LIGNA.Innovation Network
From 27 to 29 September 2021, Deutsche Messe and the woodworking division of the Association of German Mechanical and Plant Engineering (VDMA) had staged a digital event – the LIGNA.Innovation Network – that focuses on the leading topics of LIGNA.
The three pillars of the Digital Event
The virtual Conference highlights the key topics of LIGNA such as using digitalization and connectivity to transform woodworking, prefabrication processes in timber construction, or the new theme "Process Technologies of the Bioeconomy". The program looks at wood as the most important renewable resource and spotlights new processing and processing options that drive forward economic and technical innovations in the industry.
The Networking function enables all participants in the LIGNA Innovation Network to directly contact exhibitors, speakers and visitors. A personalized entry page supports this with a corresponding dashboard that displays the companies, speakers and participants relevant to the respective visitor. From there, the visitor can initiate a direct contact request and then connect via chat or video call.
In the Expo area, visitors have direct access to extensive product overviews from exhibitors. Best-case applications, video tutorials, live streams, and video chats enable them not only to learn about specific solutions for optimizing their processes, but also to enter into direct exchange with exhibiting companies.
LIGNA.Innovation Network 2021
Experience the most beautiful pictures of the LIGNA.Innovation Network!
Impressions Day 1
Impressions Day 2
Impressions Day 3
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