1. What makes LIGNA so special for you?

LIGNA is the most special trade fair in our industry for BACCI. For BACCI, participating in LIGNA is like a Formula 1 driver competing in the Monaco Grand Prix or a marathon runner participating in the Olympics. LIGNA is the event where all the efforts of an entire company come together. It is the most eagerly awaited international event in the woodworking sector, always has been.

We have been participating in LIGNA since its very first edition. Our grandfather even took part in the Hannover fair back in the 1960s, when it was called Hannover Messe. Despite the numerous changes in the global market, this trade fair has managed to maintain the same global appeal and attractiveness over the years.

During LIGNA, all manufacturers showcase and demonstrate the most interesting technological innovations. It is the fair where the latest and most cutting-edge technological advancements are presented. LIGNA is the place to meet clients, collaborators, understand market trends, get inspired, and decide on new future developments.

2. What have you been most pleased about at a LIGNA?

There are many aspects we love most about LIGNA, but first and foremost is the opportunity to meet clients and partners from all over the world in one place and showcase our most advanced technological innovations.

With over 80,000 visitors at LIGNA, it truly offers the chance to connect directly with the market, understand its dynamics, and identify new future developments. Moreover, LIGNA is the perfect occasion to share and experience, together with our team, the most eagerly awaited moment of all.

3. What is the funniest/best/surprising thing you have experienced at LIGNA?

The most amazing thing about LIGNA is the feeling of being part of a global industry where you can meet people from different countries, cultures, religions, from which you can draw inspiration and learn.

4. When is a LIGNA a successful LIGNA for you?

LIGNA is always a challenge—a race against time. The technological solutions that BACCI showcases at every edition are among the most advanced, and the challenge lies in planning and coordinating the design, production, and testing of the machines well in advance of their shipment to Germany.

In addition to this, at every edition of LIGNA, we’ve always conducted real cutting tests on wood to demonstrate our machines and systems as if they were installed in a real factory, rather than performing mere “air demonstrations.” This adds even more complexity to the management and installation of the machinery.

With over 1,000 square meters of space to set up, dozens of technicians and software engineers to coordinate, transport logistics, and booth construction, LIGNA is an effort that involves the entire company. It’s a challenge we love to take on.

5. When is a LIGNA a successful LIGNA for you?

We could evaluate the success of LIGNA fair solely based on numerical results, but that would be a limited perspective. Some metrics for judging the success of a trade fair are tangible and numerical (such as the number of visitors, new inquiries, closed orders, etc.), but there are also intangible factors. These include new relationships or opportunities for future developments that arise from networking activities, discovering new realities, and meeting new people. The combination of measurable business results and the creation of new relationships or development opportunities is what makes LIGNA a complete success for us every time.