In order to keep the sanding quality at the highest level and at the same time optimise the service life of the sanding belts, the sanding belt must be freed of dust adhering to it from the sanding process as continuously as possible. Conventionally, this is achieved by blowing off the sanding belt using compressed air.

These methods usually work selectively and therefore clean the sanding belt unevenly, which is reflected in an irregular sanding pattern, especially with delicate materials. Compressed air is also the most expensive form of energy in a company and should therefore be used as sparingly as possible or even avoided completely.

Efficient thanks to the air sword

In order to massively reduce these costs for its customers, Kündig GmbH from Gotha in Thuringia has developed the Eco Cleaning System (ECS). The highlight of this solution is a so-called air blade with a continuous air flow that cleans the sanding belt and, if required, the workpiece without the need for expensive compressed air. The air flow is an economical alternative to compressed air and is provided by an efficient motorised fan.

The air blade acts across the entire working width of the machine and therefore cleans evenly and efficiently. Measurements have shown that the efficiency is around twice as high as with simple compressed air cleaning.

Two birds with one stone

The system becomes even more efficient if the same fan is used for both the ECS and for generating the vacuum in the transport carpet by using a switch. Apart from the fan, which is protected in the machine body, the ECS contains no moving parts and is therefore maintenance-free and durable.

At the same time, the air blade is encased in an extraction bonnet so that the blown-off dust and workpiece particles are fed directly to the central extraction system without contaminating the machine. Kündig has applied for a patent for this highly efficient and cost-effective system and already has more than 100 systems in use worldwide.