In today's world, where trendy startups come and go without anyone batting an eyelid, a company that dates back 140 years might seem old-fashioned to some. Yet numerous innovative developments and, above all, a wealth of experience don’t emerge overnight through a brainstorming session. Gaining core expertise and becoming a specialist in your field takes a lot of hard work, and a company that has survived for nearly one-and-a-half centuries must have done a fair few things right. So it's no surprise that Osmo Holz und Color GmbH & Co. KG today stands for perfectly matured solutions for the machining, processing and surface finishing of wood - for end consumers, professionals and industrial customers alike.

Catering in particular to professional users, Osmo recently added a new reactive stain to its portfolio that is designed to ensure surfaces made from young oak exude the charm and appeal of gracefully aged wood. The stain reacts with the tannins inherent in wood and - because each wood has its own natural tannic acid content - delivers unique, varying results every time. Since the amount used and the way in which the stain is applied can also influence the appearance, the company recommends initially applying a test coat when working with unfamiliar surfaces. As with all professional products that require faster drying times or particular knowledge and tools, Osmo's reactive stain has an extra label to this effect on the container. The company is offering its new product in three different variants - Grey Effect light, Grey Effect medium and Grey Effect intense. In addition to floors, the stain is also ideal for furniture, work surfaces and other elements made from oak.

Osmo Holz und Color GmbH & Co. KG (48231 Warendorf, Germany)