Tischler Schreiner Deutschland launches #holzrettetklima initiative
Climate friendliness and wood go hand in hand. This was not only reflected in the focus topics at LIGNA.23 - topics such as the circular economy and building with wood will also determine the tenor of the event at LIGNA.25. As a sustainable raw material, wood and products made from wood form the basis of a climate-friendly future.
28 Nov 2023Share
This makes the recently launched "Wood saves the climate" initiative by Tischler Schreiner Deutschland and 14 other trade associations under the umbrella of the German Timber Industry Council (DHWR) all the more fitting.
With around 70,000 companies, 650,000 employees and an annual turnover of 120 billion euros, the German timber industry is committed to increasing the use of this sustainable raw material and would like to use the "Wood saves the climate" initiative to draw the public's attention to the fact that the availability and use of wood, among other things, are crucial to Germany achieving its climate targets.
For climate scientist Prof. Dr. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, founding director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), wood is the "stuff the future is made of".
In Schellnhuber's view, the use of wood for sustainable building and living is essential for repairing the climate. This in turn is confirmed by the current winner of the German Environmental Award, Dagmar Fritz-Kramer: "Wood is the most environmentally friendly material of all. As a regional, renewable resource with short supply chains, wood consumes very little energy during its production and processing."
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