1. What makes LIGNA so special for you?

In the past, it was the contracts. Today it's more the networking effect and the opportunity to meet our customers from all over the world in person in a pleasant atmosphere.

2. What was your favourite thing about LIGNA?

When customers unexpectedly came to the stand for a detailed project discussion on the last day of the trade fair in 2023, which resulted in a project being completed.

3. What is the funniest/best/surprising thing you have experienced at LIGNA?

Contemporary witnesses still report with great amusement how colleagues danced on the tables with customers in the Bavarian tent after the trade fair closed at LIGNA 1989.

4. What was the biggest challenge you had to overcome for LIGNA?

Focusing personnel resources on LIGNA during ongoing business operations. Basically, everyone had to work doubly hard to achieve this.

5. When is a LIGNA a successful LIGNA for you?

When we take home a lot of qualified leads and a great team spirit from the event.