The greenGain project funded by the European support program Horizont 2020 is designed to promote the generation of energy using regional and local biomass acquired from landscape management activities throughout Europe. The project is intended to optimize the use of biomass from roadside vegetation and landscape management material to generate energy in the EU. With this in mind, the FNR and its partners have set their sights in particular on regional public authorities and other players who are responsible for landscape management measures in the public interest.

Further players include companies involved in harvesting technology, logistics, storage and conversion as well as civil society. The project also focuses on networking and the use of results in Europe. The FNR is coordinating the running of the project and the team, which consists of eight project partners from four European Union countries. The European partners include COALS (Germany), SYNCOM (Germany), CIRCE (Spain), OMEZYMA (Spain), Cz Biom (Czech Republic), Sogesca (Italy) and CM-ACT (Italy).

Among other things, the project consortium is looking to analyze the potential of landscape management material and how it can best be used to generate bioenergy, evaluate experience from pilot projects in relation to the market offering for landscape management material, and take into account legal, political and social aspects. Another of the project consortium’s tasks is to publicize and apply the project results – something it aims to achieve by creating an EU knowledge platform, for example - and of course by showcasing the project at LIGNA 2017.