RUF Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG is a carbon-neutral company that aims to raise the bar when it comes to energy efficiency. To achieve its objective, the company has made its latest series of cutting-edge briquetting systems for wood/biomass even more efficient, significantly lowering their energy consumption and boosting their productivity.

Compare the new RUF LIGNUM R4 for wood chips and dusts to its predecessor and you can't fail to notice just how much the technology has been improved. While the older R4 model ran on a 37-kW motor and produced 600 briquettes an hour, its successor claims an output of 685 briquettes per hour - and that's with identical machine settings, materials and briquette density and a less power-hungry 30-kW motor. In fact, the energy consumption per briquette is 25 percent lower on the new machine while productivity is just under 15 percent higher. According to RUF, these enhancements are largely down to various improvements in the hydraulics. For example, the company's engineers have been able to reduce resistance and heat generation in the system and significantly improve oil flow.

RUF Maschinenbau GmbH & Co. KG (86874 Zaisertshofen, Germany)