The Leica BLK360 is not just the smallest and lightest imaging laser scanner around today, it is also extremely easy to use. Steve Jobs probably would have had a lot of fun with this neat gadget that is hardly any bigger than a 0.5 liter beverage can. In fact, anyone who can operate an iPad can now capture the world around them with high-resolution 3D panoramic images. The ReCap 360 Pro mobile app for iOS controls the new imaging laser scanner.

The Leica BLK360 uses the ReCap 360 Pro mobile app to stream images and point cloud data to the iPad so the scan data can be filtered and registered in real time. Once prepared in this way, the data is then available for further processing in a wide range of CAD, BIM, VR and AR applications, with the ReCap 360 Pro mobile app once again ensuring seamless transfer. The measurement range of the Leica BLK360 for full dome scans is up to 60 meters and it shouldn’t take more than 3 minutes in total to complete a full-dome laser scan, capture a 3D panoramic image and transfer it to an iPad. Thanks to these properties, the Leica BLK360 – when combined with the widely used iPad – can dramatically simplify the use of imaging laser scanners for stocktaking purposes and thus open up this technology to all sectors – not least the wood processing industry.
