The Austrian family-run company Scheuch Ligno has always placed the climate and the environment way up high on its list of priorities. This not only means ensuring its customers can manufacture their goods to the highest quality standards using its air purification technology solutions all over the world, but just as much employing sustainable, climate-friendly working methods at its own site in Upper Austria.

"When we designed and constructed our new company building in Mehrnbach in 2016, we paid extra attention to the environmental impact every step of the way," explains Alois Burgstaller, the managing director of Scheuch Ligno. "Our company is linked to the district heating system in Mehrnbach, which reduces CO2 emissions immensely, and we installed energy-saving LED lighting in all the buildings. When it comes to our production processes, too, we do everything we can to keep the energy we use to a minimum. I am delighted that our efforts to make a positive impact on the climate, which naturally incur additional costs, have been recognized with our admission to Climate Alliance Austria."

The Climate Alliance brings together partners from all over the world to combat the surge in greenhouse gases and rainforest deforestation that are changing our global climate. Founded in Frankfurt in 1990, it now unites more than 1,700 communities, towns and cities in 26 countries throughout Europe with indigenous peoples in South America. Climate Alliance Austria has now been supporting the locals around the upper Rio Negro in the north-western corner of Brazil for 25 years under the auspices of this special partnership.

Scheuch Ligno GmbH (4941 Mehrnbach, Austria)